From the Teams

Seven Rivers Overview

Seven Rivers Recap

WildStang and Plus One had an amazing performance at the Seven Rivers Regional this year! WildStang ended the qualification matches with a record of 9-1-0 (win-loss-tie) and we were the first seed team going into the alliance selection. WildStang, as the alliance captain, partnered with Gear It Forward (team 2338) and Bond Brigade (team 5586). Our alliance went on to win all three semifinal matches and both final matches making our alliance the winner of the 2023 Seven Rivers Regional! Additionally, our alliance set the record for the highest score being 192 in Semifinal Match 11; WildStang currently holds 4/6 of the top unpenalized scores around the world. WildStang also came home with the Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford.

Plus One ended the qualification matches with a record of 5-5-0 (win-loss-tie) and were the 21st seed in the alliance selection. They achieved the qualification round high score of 177 in qualification match 76. Plus One was chosen by the 7th seed team Red Raider Robotics (team 6381) and they completed the alliance with Kaotic Robotics (team 4539). Plus One lost their first semifinal match but bounced back and won the next two semifinal matches. The alliance lost the fourth semifinal which was very close and competitive but ultimately eliminated them. Plus One came home with the Excellence in Engineering Award. Plus One had an outstanding competition at the Seven Rivers Regional competition. They faced difficulties and overcame them by showing true determination and resilience.

Overall, the Seven Rivers Regional was a very successful event for both teams. Unfortunately, it is the end of Plus One’s 22-23 season, but we’re very proud of all their hard work and success this season. WildStang will continue, and we’re now looking forward to them competing in Houston at the World Championship! Look out for future blog posts about the Houston World Championship!