From the Teams

2024 Miss Maker Workshop

Miss Maker Workshop is coming soon!



WildStang Robotics Program is excited to announce the return of one of our most popular events. Miss Maker Workshop is a half-day event designed to introduce girls, ages 9 to 13, to Science, Engineering, and Math, through hands-on activities.

The girls will complete a Mechanical, Software, and Electrical project during the workshop. In the Mechanical session, the girls will design and build balloon carts, and race them to see which design will go the furthest. They will test and iterate their carts to see if they can improve on their previous design. In software, they will learn how to code using minecraft education, an interactive program with puzzles and games to teach them coding in a fun way. In Electrical, the girls will use  breadboard with LEDs that allow them to create fun designs.

This year’s events will be held on November 2nd and November 16th from 1:00 to 4:00pm at Forest View Education Center, 2121 S Goebbert Rd. Arlington Heights IL . Space will be limited to 30 girls each day. So complete your registration today. Spaces will fill up fast!!

Register Now!

Learn more about Miss Maker Workshop Here