Wildstang Robotics Holiday Ornament Sale 2024
Wildstang Robotics Holiday Ornament Sale
Wildstang Robotics Holiday Ornament Sale
Planning for FRC competition season – meals and hotel venues. Work with D214 coaches and mentors from October-April time frame. Current events are:
• FRC Regional (Location TBD)*
• FRC Midwest Regional (Chicago-UIC Pavillion)
• FRC World Championship (Houston)*
• Off Season Events*
Confirm travel arrangements including hotel (when needed) and meals for students, mentors, and chaperones. Order breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Organize food and beverage donations from parents, schedule volunteers as needed.
Planning for team events outside of team travel. Currents events are:
• FRC Kickoff – Plan and organize kickoff luncheon for students, teachers, and mentors. This is held the first Saturday in January.
• WildStang Robotics Program Open House – Presentation to parents, sponsors, D214, and media revealing the year’s robot. Water and light snacks. Usually the third Sunday in February.
• Awards Night – Beverages and light snacks for annual WildStang student celebration. Usually mid-May.
• Mentor Appreciation – Coordinate appreciation efforts from students.
Create a fun, friendly and positive team vibe throughout the season and help students and families to support WildStang, Plus One and our alliance partners at competitions. Activities include, but are not limited to:
• Merchandising: Ordering all spirit items for the WildStang Robotics Program. Can include t-shirts, chums, key rings, name tags, spirit wear, etc. Track receipt of fundraising amounts.
Not at this time. However, a new account can be started to support Wildstang Robotics.
Even though RaiseRight help center says this feature is not available you can see how much you earned through each transaction on the App.
Normally $1.00 but will vary depending on the number of gift cards you order. Please go to RaiseRight Help center for more information.
Currently not all are available with this option. Cards with this option will be labeled as “Ship to Home Eligible”.
Some physical gift cards are reloadable while some are not. Reloadable cards will be labeled as a “Reloadable Card”. Money can ONLY be reloaded to physical cards purchased from RaiseRight.
eGift cards are available very soon after purchase. Once you receive a confirmation email of your purchase, your eGift card is available for use.
No, you cannot add money to eGift cards. You will need to purchase new ones. You may have multiple eGift cards of the same brand in your wallet.
Some cards automatically track your balance while some do not. On the ones that do not keep track automatically you will need to enter the amount remaining on your own in the App.
Some cards automatically track your balance while some do not. On the ones that do not keep track automatically you will need to enter the amount remaining on your own in the App.
Yes, there is a small fee to pay online.
Bank account: $0.15 per order (this is per transaction so it is better to place one large order compared to a bunch of small orders)
Credit card: 2.6% online fee per order
Ship to home: Normally $1.00 but will vary depending on the number of gift cards you order. Please go to RaiseRight Help center for more information.
Establish and maintain a relationship with local media (e.g., Daily Herald) promoting WRSA fundraising events, writing and distributing press releases after events for media outlets, D214, and sponsors. Update sponsors with team activities on a monthly basis.
Works with the Public Relations Committee, mentors, D214 coaches, and team members to procure corporate sponsors. This would include:
• Create and update materials for presentation to potential corporate sponsors
• Sponsorship outreach
Grants Sub-Committee
Seeks government and private grants to benefit WRSA, write & submit applications and track the grants process.
FIRST Concessions
Plan and organize all WRSA fundraising events. Current events are (but not limited to):
• WildStang VEX Concessions (December)
• Illinois FIRST FLL Concessions (January)-if selected
• Illinois FIRST FTC Concessions (February)-if selected
Working with the hospitality committee to: recruit parent volunteers, track student participation, set the menu, pricing, ordering and shopping for (non-donated) food items and necessities (paper goods) and providing a financial report to the Board. It is suggested that there be two co-chairs for this committee.